Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Laura's adoption video

Laura was one of the beautiful babies in our group, and her mom made this lovely video for her. Rachel is with Laura in one of the pictures from the orphanage. Click Laura's Adoption Video to watch. I think Rachel and Laura have identical hair!


Anonymous said...

THANK YOU so much for sharing this,what a great video!!!!!
I believe the girl do have the same lovely locks...~wink~

group 253

Mammarazzi Madness said...

Hi Angela,
I was just browsing and came across your webpage.
Your daughter is beautiful !!
I love the pics that Mary Ellen took of her. I think we will give her a call and get her to take our daughter's photos too !
Do you get together with people from the adoption community very often ? We plan on taking part of some of the activities , perhaps we will meet sometime.